Fox is a carnivorous mammal belonging to the Canidae family along with Jackal, wolves, and dogs. Foxes, called kolokolo in Yoruba, have more flattened skull than the dog, and erect, triangular ears. They have lean bodies covered with long, thick fur. They range in length from less than 60 cm to more than 90 cm, including the bushy tail, which may be as long as two-thirds of its head and body combined. There are different species in almost all continents of the world and the Pale fox, Vulpes pallida, found in the Northern parts of Nigeria where the forest meets the Savannah (Guinea Savannah), falls under the category of the so-called true foxes.
The Pale fox is small with long legs and large ears. The subspecies harterti and oertzeni are found in Nigeria. These have pale face, a characteristic from which its Genus species Latin name, palladia, is derived. The “Nigerian” fox also possess elongated muzzle with relatively long whiskers, and a black eye-ring. Body length is between 40 and 45 cm and colour is pale brown or sandy with a black tip on the tail. Average weight is about 2.7kg. The skull is small with relatively short maxillary region, and well-developed upper molars in relation to relatively weak carnassial teeth. Pale foxes are omnivores and they mainly feed on rodents, lizards, birds, insects, eggs, fruit and vegetation.