Victor Oladokun; Broadcaster of the Christian Broadcasting Network known for his acclaimed television production, Turning Point, was born 1958 in England to an English mother and a father who hailed from Ondo town. Being a first child, Victor’s father sent him to school in his hometown to learn about his origin. It was this episode, Victor will recall, that gave him a sense of being Nigerian. From St. Joseph’s College in Ondo, Victor went to the University of Ife where he studied History and Political Science from 1977 to 1981. At Ife he developed a fascination with the media and envisioned a television of better presentation, programs, format, and content.
After working with Cadbury and then the Public Relations of the Leventis, Victor left Nigeria in 1987 to pursue a master’s degree course in Television and Media Management in the United States. He took the offer in 1989 to work at the CBN, one which had come because of the experience acquired by him while a student as a writer and producer for a local television program called Newswatch. Victor later became bored with the media representation of Africa. His visit to some twenty African countries had allowed him a broader opinion about the continent. In time, he would mute the idea of a less morose content to the CBN. In 1998, Victor Oladokun came up with his new international television magazine program, Turning Point, which he designed to inspire audience and direct them to the source of life which is God himself. Turning Point program became very popular in state television stations across Nigeria in the ’90s, being part of the fiercely conservative television network dedicated to the culture war especially in America. After nineteen years at the CBN, Victor began consulting on leadership and media through his own 3DGlobal Consult and also serves as an associate pastor at Associate Pastor at Bethel, Hampton, VA.