Oba Ademola Alake of Egba People Abdicates Freely To Avoid Bloodshed
Southern Nigeria Defender, Saturday, July 1, 1948
His Highness Oba Alaiyeluwa Adeola II, C.M.G, C.B.E. Alake of Abeokuta has according to an instrument under his own hand, dated July 29, 1948 abdicated, thus bowing to the wishes of the people of Egbaland.
The following is the message- the last in the rign of Ademola II, the onece Sole Native Authority of Egbaland.
And it read:
“To my dear people,
After more than half a century of service to my country and people, twenty-eight of which have given in the capacity of Native Authority, condition have arisen which completely obliterate from men’s memory the efforts which I have made to advance in every way possible the interests of Egbaland.
That so fierce unprecedented opposition should have been encountered at this hour in my career on the stool of Egbaland is entirely beyond my capacity to understand.
But as I have always placed the happiness of the people and the progress of my dear country above everything I cannot bear any longer the sight of turmoil, strife and discontent, more particularly as there have been threats of damage to properties and attacks on persons which have become a reality.
I have therefore, decided, after mature consideration, and in order to avoid bloodshed, to leave the environs of my territory, in the hope that after a time, frayed tempers will subside and atmosphere of calm prevail.
May God save Egbaland and bring it happiness, prosperity and lasting peace.