Ore Green was a Nigerian nurse, and celebrated avatar of Lady-like grace, born 1885 in Lagos to an ex-Superintendent of the Detective Force. Ore trained at St. Peter’s School, C.M.S. Girls’ Seminary, St. Mary’s Convent, and by private tuition in Mathematics, Latin, Greek, and Geometry under Rev. W.B. Eugba, principal of Wesleyan Boys’ High School, Lagos. Her rendering of Portia in the Merchant of Venice staged in Lagos in June and in July 1911 warmed her into the hearts of many but she proceeded to England in 1912, emerging with a bag of certifications, including a First Class Certificate in the Theory of Music from the London College of Music, Honors Certificate of the Central Midwives Board, Clapham School of Midwifery and Clapham Maternity Hospital. Ore Green became the first West African apothecary in London, when she passed an examination for the license of druggist and she served as a dispenser at the Eye and Ear hospital in Soho. Miss Green also bagged a Certificate of Cookery with distinction for Invalid cookery at the Buckingham Palace Road School of Cookery, and then a Certificate of Westminster College of Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Botany. On her return to Lagos in 1917, she worked with Dr. R.A. Savage as dispenser and midwife for eighteen months, afterwhich she started a practice of her own as a professional nurse.