Category: Science

  • Ashiru Oladapo is a Reproductive endocrinology expert and joint pioneer of IVF research in West Africa. Ashiru joined College of Medicine of the University of Lagos as lecturer in 1976. He was at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha from 1977, where he was appointed Visiting Assistant Professor in Reproductive Endocrinology in the department…

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  • Leke Alder is the brand strategist and policy consultant credited with introducing branding as a discipline to Nigeria. Through the Alder Consulting, which he founded, he has consulted on policy, politics and business at the highest levels locally and internationally. Born as an only child, Leke Alder’s dream from childhood was to be a lawyer,…

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  • Leopard, called Ekùn (also Amotekùn) in Yoruba, was placed by the foremost taxonomist, Linnaeus, within the genus Panthera, together with the Tiger, Lion and Jaguar which all appear to be bigger in size. The larger family is the felidae which is the biological family of cats. Subspecies are classified by variations on the nature of…

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  • Lion is called kìnìún in Yoruba and admired in the culture as the king of all animals because of its glossy skin and its mane, the impressive fringe of long hair that encircles the heads of their males. Lion is the most distinctive member of the Carnivora order. The scientific name, Panthera leo was given by…

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  • Lizard, the red-headedrock agama, Agama agama, is the most populous of the 60 or more species of lizards native to Africa and Eurasia. In sub Saharan Africa it is well suited to arid conditions. However, they need a basking spot of 90F and an ambient temperature of around 80F. Adults grow between 30cm – 35cm…

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  • Arcobacter is a relatively new group of aerotolerant, curved and spiral rod shaped bacteria. Arcobacter butzleri, A. Cryaerophilus and A. skirowii are known in many developed countries as zoonotic agents of human gastroenteritis and infrequent extra-intestinal infectons that are presumably acquired through contaminated water and food, particularly those of poutry origin. Foreign epidiologic findings suggested…

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  • Apiculture is a branch of Agriculture that is concerned with the keeping of honey bees, especially for commercial purposes. It dates back to ancient times when man learnt to drive bees away from their hives so as to harvest the combs in which the bees store honey. About two decades ago, agriculturalists began to sensitize…

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  • Anaesthesia is a state of controlled and reversible loss of consciousness usually associated with insensitivity to pain, reflex depression, and a variable degree of muscle relaxation. This definition by Famewo C.E. of the University of Ibadan is summed up in the Greek epistemology, ‘a’ meaning without, and ‘aesthesis’ meaning perception. Anaesthesia became a subject of…

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  • Long-tailed pangolin, Manis tetradactyla, have long prehensile tails that make up almost two-thirds of their total length, therefore having the longest tails and shortest bodies of the Pangolins, the only group of known mammals having keratin scales. They range in size from 30 to 40cm in length and 2 to 3 kg in weight. Their…

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  • Akobi is the conical shape basket used for shrimp fishing in Iddo Island from the 16th Century circa. Akobi is usually made with strips of bamboo tree. When not in use, they are dried on rows of stakes on the lagoon. Lagos myth has it that Benin soldiers during their first military campaign retreated on…

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