Category: Science

  • Gaboon Viper, Bitis gabonica, is a venomous snake occurring in West Africa. They are the largest of the vipers, with an average adult length of about 1.2 meters. The species is represented by the B. g. rhinoceros subspecies in Nigeria, distinct by the presence of large nasal “horns”. Called Paramole in Yoruba, meaning, “hidden in…

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  • Galago or Bushbabies are small, wolly, long-tailed primates with mobile, oversized naked ears. It belongs to the family Galagidae, infraorder Lorisiformes and suborder Strepsirrhini. Species include cameronensis, demidoff, gabonensis, gallarum, granti, matschiei, moholi, nyasae, orinus, rondoensis, sengalensis, thomasi, zanzibaricus and alleni which is found in Nigeria. This primate is called Egbere or Èmì in Yoruba language…

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  • Giant Eland, Tragelaphus derbianus, also known as the Lord Derby eland, is the largest antelope, and the Eastern Giant Elands subspecies T. d. gigas which once lived in the an open-forest savanna of the Nigerian northeastern region is now extinct. Giant Eland is characterized by a body size larger than its Western Giant Eland relative that is…

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  • Giant Otter-shrew, Potamogale velox, nocturnal carnivorian animal falling under the tenrec family and not the shrew in spite of its name. Its monotypic Potamogale genus probably represents an early branch of the family. The Giant Otter-shrew is, like Otters which it shares superficial similarities with, capable in water. Its Central African rainforest distribution range extends…

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  • Giraffe is the tallest mammal; with very long neck, short upstanding mane, and high shoulders that slope steeply to the hindquarters. It is called Àgùnfôn in Yoruba. The end of the Pliocene epoch (2.5-6 million years ago) saw a number of long necked giraffids evolve, subsequently migrating out of Eurasia into Africa by way of…

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  • Graceful Chameleon, Chamaeleo gracilis, is a species of Chameleon native to Central African region, a specialized clad of lizard measuring about 40 cm, that can change color but which are basically olive green with white or black spots. The Graceful chameleon is very sensitive to temperature and humidity, enjoying only temperatures ranging from 17-23°C. In…

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  • Greater Cane Rat, Thryonomys swinderianus, also known as Grasscutter, is one of the two species of Cane Rat, a large rodent genus distinguished by its stocky body, and a large, blunt head. Because of its size, this animal, called Oya in Yoruba, is valued for food and has become popular meat in western Africa. The…

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  • Green Monkey is a vegetarian, frugivorous primate with a black face, light greyish coat belonging in the Suborder Simiae and family, Cercopthecidae. Vervet monkeys (also called Grivet or Green Monkey) have a head-body length of 41 to 62 cm and a tail length of 53-72 cm. They have cheek-pouches allowing them to forage and store…

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  • Grey Climbing Mouse, Dendromus melanotis, also called Dark-eared climbing mouse, is a species of rodent in the family of African rodents, Nesomyidae, found in Nigeria only in the Jos plateau as D. m. exoneratus. The grey climbing mouse may have ochraceuos-red or ash-grey upperparts with indistinct or dark dorsal stripe and white underparts. Their prehensile tails…

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  • Haussa Genet, Genetta thierryi, also called Thierry’s genet is a carnivorian, cat-like mammal with wide distribution range in West Africa. They generally prefer the moist to dry savannahs and woodlands of the north, but have been found in the rainforest. The species’ distribution range in Nigeria therefore excludes the far north and the Niger Delta.…

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