Category: Science

  • Common Genets, Genetta genetta, are long, lean carnivores with pointed muzzle, a tapering tail usually at least as long as the body. The rather long and coarse pelage is soft with dense, woolly underfur. It is distinguished from the forest genet by the possession of smaller spots. Color ranges from light grey to brownish grey,…

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  • Crevalle jack, Caranx hippos, called Owere in Yoruba, is a fast swimming fish found in the Eastern Atlantic, from Portugal to Angola. Crevalle jack has a distinguishing black spot on the margin of the gill cover about level with its eye. Body color ranges from greenish to bluish or bluish-black above and silvery white to…

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  • Counseling is a professional activity involving the use of interpersonal relationship to quicken understanding of oneself and to encourage changes in life choices. Counselors often employ particular counseling theories in their operation or may go eclectic. There is the Client Centred approach which involves active listening and empathy, geared towards assisting clients to discover and…

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  • Crested Porcupine, the North African crested porcupine, Hystrix cristata, is a species of rodents belonging to the old world porcupine, Hystricidae family that is distinguished by their spiny covering. Hystricidae or old world porcupines don’t have barbs found on the quills of New world porcupines, but they can still get stuck in the flesh of…

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  • Desert Jerboas, Jaculus jaculus, are usually found in the deserts in Northeast Nigeria. The head and body are roughly similar in appearances to those of a mouse and range from 3 – 15cm in length. The tail is longer than body, ranging from 6 – 23cm. Hind legs tend to be around four times as…

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  • Dorcas Gazelle, Gazella dorcas, an antelope species, is the best equipped member of the genus Gazella to inhabit dry areas. When conditions are harsh, dorcas gazelles live in pairs, but when conditions are more favorable they occur in family herds with one adult male, several females and young. They may go their entire lives without…

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  • Dracaena fragrans is the multistemmed shrub used as sexual asthenia in southwest Nigeria, where it is called Pèrègún. Dracaena fragrans is found spread across the humid Guineo-congolese forest. In the United States and Europe it is grown in many homes and offices. In NASA clean air study, this easy-to-grow corn plant was found to remove toxins…

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  • Dwarf Crocodile, Osteolaemus tetraspis, is a small species of crocodile with a short, broad snout and tough scales that cover their entire black body. They have a body length between 1.7 and 1.9 m and they weigh between 18 and 32 kg. Like all other members of its genus, this crocodilian species is an effective…

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  • Dwarf Sperm Whale, Kogia sima, is one of the cetacean species occurring in Nigerian territorial waters, generally living over the continental shelf and slope off tropical and temperate coasts of all oceans. Whales are called Jaagbárùrù in Yoruba, both in reference to the size of this supposed fish. The Dwarf sperm whale are frequently seen…

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  • Electric catfish, Malapterurus electricus, called Eja Ojiji in Yoruba, is a species of catfish having an electric organ derived from the pectoral muscle and which surround almost the entire body. This organ is capable of discharging 300-400 V, used both for prey capture and defense. Generally found among rocks or roots in turbid and/or black…

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