Category: Science

  • Stripped Hyena, Hyaena hyaena, is a species of Hyena found in the Northeastern end of Nigeria, so named because of the black stripes on the sides of the pale grey or beige coat. It is like other hyenas dog-like in appearance, with powerful forequarters and a back that slopes down towards the bushy tail. Striped…

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  • Topi, scientific name, Damaliscus lunatus, is medium sized antelope with rusty red color and black legs and chest. Topi have the short neck and elongated face typical of the Alcelaphinae. It is distinguished from its look-alike, the hartebeest by its darker coloration and absence of sharply angled horns. The muzzle is long and narrow with…

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  • Western Tree Hyrax, Dendrohyrax dorsalis, is a small stocky animal resembling a bigger Guinea-pig. The Nigerian subspecies, D. d. sylvestris is called Ofafa in Yoruba. Like elephants they have similar footpads and toenails, there are also skeletal similarities. Unlike more highly-evolved mammals, hyraxes are unable to completely regulate their body temperatures. They are found in southern…

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  • Tree Pangolin, Manis tricuspis, also known as White-bellied or Three-cusped pangolin is the most available of the three Nigerian species of these scale-possessing anteaters in the southwest region where its medicinal purpose appears to be more important than its food value. Its Yoruba name, Akika, is apparently in reference to its most efficient defence mechanism,…

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  • Nathaniel King was the first Nigerian to practice modern medicine in his own country. Nathaniel was born 14 July 1847 in Freetown to a Yoruba Clergyman, Rev.Thomas King, who together with Ajayi Crowther, translated several catechisms and portions of the Bible into Nigerian dialects. Nathaniel King returned with his missionary father to Abeokuta where he…

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  • Water Chevrotain, Hyemoschus aquaticus, is a squat, short-limbed, small-headed ungulate, and a rabbit-sized animal that resembles a deer. It has a red-brown coat marked with white stripes and rows of white spots. The hindquarters are larger than the front. Adults can reach an average body length of 80 cm and weigh up to 11 kg.…

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  • Waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus, is a large, shaggy-haired antelope with mane on the neck. They have long bodies and necks and short legs. They spend less time in the water, against their names, and they do mostly to protect themselves against predators. Ears are large and rounded and there are white patches above the eyes, around…

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  • West African Bush Viper is a venomous, rough-scaled, arboreal viper, Atheris squamigera, called Paramole in Yoruba. Bush Viper has a wide range across Central Africa and can be found in southeastern Nigeria. They usually come in green but is also available in other flavors, including red, orange, gray, yellow, black, blue, olive, and brown. Adults…

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  • West African Ilisha, Ilisha africana, called Shawa in Yoruba, is a species of longfin, fairly small, silvery fish which occurs in large stocks in inshore waters of Nigeria. This species has a small pelvic fin, and a long anal fin with finrays originating from below dorsal fin base. The dorsal fin is at or before…

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  • West African Manatee, Trichechus senegalensis, is the only sirenian in Nigeria, an order of herbivorous mammals that inhabit swamps, rivers, estuaries, and marine wetlands and coastal marine waters, historically taken for the Mermaid mythical figure. The species occurs within the lower reaches of the Niger River. In the Benue River, they seek refuge during the…

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