Category: Animals

  • Dwarf Sperm Whale, Kogia sima, is one of the cetacean species occurring in Nigerian territorial waters, generally living over the continental shelf and slope off tropical and temperate coasts of all oceans. Whales are called Jaagbárùrù in Yoruba, both in reference to the size of this supposed fish. The Dwarf sperm whale are frequently seen…

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  • Elephant species native to Africa, Loxodonta Africana, is the largest terrestrial animal, celebrated in Yoruba Ijálá chant thus “Erin abiikúnlè pelemomo,” translating as; “O’ elephant, huge as a hill, even in a crouching position.” Unlike other mammals, elephants continue to grow throughout their life, although the rate at which they grow slows after they reach…

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  • Forest Cobra, Naja melanoleuca, called Oká in Yoruba, is an agile, diurnal species that climbs well and is more aquatic than other true cobras of genus Naja. They are big arboreal, aquatic, nocturnal and very fast snakes that can move quickly on land in the water and in the trees. They can grow to 2.5…

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  • Forest Genet, also known as Panther Genet, scientific name; Genetta Maculatta. This Viverrid, formerly belonging in same taxonomic subfamily with terrestrial civets and linsangs, is a large spotted, carnivorous animal endemic to the rainforest zone of southern Nigeria, and also widespread to a great part of sub-Saharan Africa. In southeastern Nigeria, sightings are not common…

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  • Forest Hog, Hylochoerus meinertzhageni is the largest wild member of the pig family, Suidae. It is most common near permanent water sources, especially where there is a thick understory cover. The rimator subspecies is found in the highland forest in the Cameroonian border of Nigeria. Standing approximately 1m high and 190 cm long, adults have…

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  • Giant Forest Squirrel, Protoxerus stangeri, is a species of rodent in the Sciuridae family typified by their slender bodies, bushy tails and large eyes. Squirrels, called Òkéré in Yoruba, are noted for its undying love for the palm-fruits, and are used as a metaphor for dexterity in Palm Oil production in verbal salute known as…

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  • Gaboon Viper, Bitis gabonica, is a venomous snake occurring in West Africa. They are the largest of the vipers, with an average adult length of about 1.2 meters. The species is represented by the B. g. rhinoceros subspecies in Nigeria, distinct by the presence of large nasal “horns”. Called Paramole in Yoruba, meaning, “hidden in…

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  • Galago or Bushbabies are small, wolly, long-tailed primates with mobile, oversized naked ears. It belongs to the family Galagidae, infraorder Lorisiformes and suborder Strepsirrhini. Species include cameronensis, demidoff, gabonensis, gallarum, granti, matschiei, moholi, nyasae, orinus, rondoensis, sengalensis, thomasi, zanzibaricus and alleni which is found in Nigeria. This primate is called Egbere or Èmì in Yoruba language…

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  • Giant Eland, Tragelaphus derbianus, also known as the Lord Derby eland, is the largest antelope, and the Eastern Giant Elands subspecies T. d. gigas which once lived in the an open-forest savanna of the Nigerian northeastern region is now extinct. Giant Eland is characterized by a body size larger than its Western Giant Eland relative that is…

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  • Giant Otter-shrew, Potamogale velox, nocturnal carnivorian animal falling under the tenrec family and not the shrew in spite of its name. Its monotypic Potamogale genus probably represents an early branch of the family. The Giant Otter-shrew is, like Otters which it shares superficial similarities with, capable in water. Its Central African rainforest distribution range extends…

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