Category: Agriculture – Fishery

  • Clymene Dolphin, Stenella clymene , also known as short-snouted spinner dolphin, is endemic to the tropical and warm temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. They are about 1.8-2 m in length and weigh about 75-90 kg. Schools of this species, consisting of approximately 50 dolphins have also been seen…

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  • Crevalle jack, Caranx hippos, called Owere in Yoruba, is a fast swimming fish found in the Eastern Atlantic, from Portugal to Angola. Crevalle jack has a distinguishing black spot on the margin of the gill cover about level with its eye. Body color ranges from greenish to bluish or bluish-black above and silvery white to…

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  • Electric catfish, Malapterurus electricus, called Eja Ojiji in Yoruba, is a species of catfish having an electric organ derived from the pectoral muscle and which surround almost the entire body. This organ is capable of discharging 300-400 V, used both for prey capture and defense. Generally found among rocks or roots in turbid and/or black…

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  • Ladyfish, Elops lacerta, called Igbun in Yoruba, is a ray-finned fish found in coastal waters from Mauritania to Namibia, sometimes entering freshwater, like in Cross River, Nigeria. This species is reported to spend one or two years in the Lekki and Lagos lagoons of Nigeria, afterwhich they move back to coastal waters where they attain…

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  • Akobi is the conical shape basket used for shrimp fishing in Iddo Island from the 16th Century circa. Akobi is usually made with strips of bamboo tree. When not in use, they are dried on rows of stakes on the lagoon. Lagos myth has it that Benin soldiers during their first military campaign retreated on…

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  • Silver Catfish, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, called Obokún in Yoruba, is one of the most important among the over three hundred Nigeria’s freshwater fish species. It is a highly valued food-fish included among the dominant commercial catches exploited in major rivers of Africa. Diet includes fish scale, plant parts, and detritus, with insects and crustaceans dominating the…

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  • West African Ilisha, Ilisha africana, called Shawa in Yoruba, is a species of longfin, fairly small, silvery fish which occurs in large stocks in inshore waters of Nigeria. This species has a small pelvic fin, and a long anal fin with finrays originating from below dorsal fin base. The dorsal fin is at or before…

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