Category: Military

  • Ike Chinyere Nwosu; Colonel of the Nigerian army; born November 21, 1946. Nwosu was a burly army officer reputed for his lack of finesse in the handling of state matters. Criticized for leaving no achievements in his stewardship as military administrator, he had on a number of occasions demonstrated compassion, the most outstanding of which…

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  • John Nanzip Shagaya; Soldier, administrator who served as minister of internal affairs, 1985-91 under General Ibrahim Babangida’s military regime. Shagaya was born September 2, 1943 in Langtang, Plateau Stat.  Shagaya had been one of General Babangida’s boys, so much so that the Head of State accompanied him to the bestownment upon him of a traditional…

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  • Ofonagoro Walter Ibekwe; government spokesman under military dictatorship of Sani Abacha, economic historian, also Minister of Information and Culture during General Ibrahim Babangida‘s regime, born June 24, 1940 in Port Harcourt. He is a recipient of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, and Woodrow Wilson Fellowships. He is also a member of American…

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  • Diya, Donaldson Oladipo; De facto second in command to Nigeria Head of State, General Sani Abacha(1993-97) born in Odogbolu, Ogun State April 3, 1944. He is a retired soldier, lawyer and former Chief of General Staff., CGS during  Abacha regime. He was implicated in a phantom coup of 1997 against his boss and was sentenced…

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  • Cult of the Head of State; was a dimension of the institutional decay of military government era, as established in some of the volumes of the Justice Oputa Panel Report .The military is a great and ancient profession, which requires appropriate demeanor and exemplary standard of conduct, encapsulated in the expression professionalism. Yet professionalism in…

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  • Gwadabe Lawan; Colonel in the Nigerian army, once Managing Director of National Shipping Line, NSL, and military governor of Niger state, after, Commander of V, National Guards. Gwadabe Lawan was born November 21, 1949, He was arrested in Yola, and was one of the army officers tried for a coup plot and jailed for life…

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  • Interventionism is defined as the policy or doctrine of intervening, especially government interference in the affairs of another state or in domestic economic affairs[i]. Nigeria has shown the will to intervene in the affairs of other sub Saharan African countries since independence.  A large population, and by extension, a large market and then oil being…

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  • Ogbemudia Samuel Osaigbovo; Soldier, military regime apologist and two-time governor of the defunct Mid-western Region and Bendel State with an enduring legacy, hardly surpassed by any of his successors, either military or civilian. This reputation earned him the sole administratorship of the problematic Nigerian Railway Corporation. There, he failed to live up to his billing. His…

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  • Martin Luther Agwai; Nigerian military chief appointed Chief Of Army Staff, COAS by President Obasanjo. During his tenure, Dornier 228 Nigerian Air force jet crashed on Ngokur Hills in Mbakunu-Shangev-Ya District of Kwande Local Government Area, Benue State, killing military top brass on board[i]. Agwai was appointed deputy military adviser to the United Nations on…

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  • Abdul Mumuni Aminu; Colonel in the Nigerian Army, one who personally arrested General Buhari on the coup day of August 27, 1985 that brought General Babangida to power[i].  Mumuni was the self-effacing, tall, dark and strikingly handsome soldier who formed the third leg of the pro-Babangida triumvirate. The original stock of the so-called “IBB Boys”…

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