Category: Social – Psychology

  • Mythopraxis, which is the practice of myth, according to patterns residing in the collective consciousness of a group of people is an inherent tendency in human beings. This inclination has been identified in important first generation post-independence politicians of Western Nigeria. Awolowo, for example, was thoroughly delighted by the expressed belief that the statue of Oduduwa…

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  • Orompoto was one of the four Alaafins to be buried in Oyo Igoho, the capital established by Eguguoju, his brother. Orompto, during his reign proved to be a gifted soldier, bringing back the military glory of the Oyo Empire. He won many battles, but like Napoleon, met his waterloo at Ilayi. His army was trounced…

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  • Racism; the active assertion of supremacy based on race is not inherent among human beings. There was indeed no cause for one, as there was parity in achievement of the races for most of history. Arts of the early medieval times and beyond frequently feature black persons as leaders, and soldiers, even saints. The black…

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  • Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized outwardly by tearing at clothing and ultimate nakedness, in southern Nigeria. This condition, not to be mistaken for the affective or less severe and chronic ailments such as psychosis and psychoneuroses, is prevalent among the patients kept in Aro hospital near Abeokuta. In the 1900s, the Southern Provinces of…

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  • Sexual objectification is the treatment of a person as passive receptacle of another’s sexual desire. Although objectification may occur for both genders, it is mostly used generically for women, who are seen as sexual commodity without recurs to their personality or dignity. This practise is most prevalent in the advertising and entertainment industry. In an…

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  • Social facilitation is a motivation theory which asserts that people would do better in a task if there were other people watching. This idea was constructed from Norman Triplet’s work in in 1897, who noticed that people in bicycle races went faster when they were competing against each other directly than when they were racing…

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  • Suicidal behavior, the tendency of committing oneself to an action that could cause death is a growing concern in many parts of the world. In a study, suicide behavior in Lagos was shown to be more prevalent among men than ladies, younger age groups were overpresented, people in interpersonal conflict, who have tendency to blame other…

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  • Intelligence is the extent to which an individual can think, manipulate objects and solve problems. As discussed by Obemeta of the University of Ibadan in 1989, a person is said to be intelligent in the traditional Yoruba society if he makes spontaneous responses or positive reactions to unexpected situations or stimuli. Mathematics professor, L.O. Adetula,…

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