Category: Philosophy – General

  • Ahmadiyya is an Islamic group headquartered in India, founded by Mirza Ghullam Ahmad with a distinct Islamic ideology which varies considerably with orthodox teachings. Adherents believe Ahmadiyya had a mandate to divest Islam of fanatical beliefs and to return the religion to the true Islamic teachings as practised by Prophet Muhammad. In what is seen…

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  • Nazism was the German political system between 1933 and 1945 of extreme nationalism, propagated and supervised by totalitarian authority. In articulation of what would be Nazis tenet, Hitler had in his book, Mein Kampt, equated Africans with apes, effectively suggesting the possibility of their enslavement in the event of German victory in its aggression efforts…

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  • In this editorial of The Nigerian Provincial Guardian of 17 April, 1937, originally titled; “Education of the Mind,” the writer discusses what ought to be the object of education for the youth. The chief objects of mental education are to cultivate and discipline the mind, and to store it with those great facts and principles…

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  • Praxis as a theory entails the development of a revolutionary doctrine which will enable one to understand the basic force in history and the possibilities for developing or revolutionary movement so that men can gain control over their lives. Unlike positivism which refers to practise as an utilitarian category, revolutionary praxis affirms that practise is…

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  • Islam is an Abrahamic faith with strong emphasis on monotheism, deriving its tenets from the Quran, regarded by the world’s 1.57 billion adherents as the verbatim word of Allah, as revealed to Prophet Muhammad, held almost universally in the religion as the last prophet of God. Islam was introduced to the region that will later be…

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  • Religion, as defined by University of Ibadan’s Michael Nabofa, is man’s effort that is aimed at satisfying certain emotional, spiritual, moral, and material needs by establishing and maintaining cordial relations between himself and the super sensible world and between himself and his fellow men. According to the Pew Research Center, religiously affiliated adults and children…

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  • Secularism is the belief that state, morals, education and other elements of national existence must be areligious. Aligned with this principle is humanism; the belief that human reason is the highest resource, and that morals are man-made. Originally recommended for Nigeria by the founding British Governor General, the Lord Lugard, secular humanism never became a conventional…

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  • Materialism is a metaphysical view that a variety of existing things can be explained in terms of substance. The views of Ola Fajemirokun, newspaper editor and president of a New Age movement of the 1930s, as well as those of a few correspondents indicate that the philosophies of materialism circulated in the occult in colonial…

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  • Gradualism is a principle of slow, stepwise change. The gradualist approach to privatization of government concerns has been argued to serve to spread the time within which the pains of the exercise may be felt and thereby reduce its impact. Sir Kitoyi Ajasa‘s belief that social and political stability depended upon a process of slow…

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