Category: Culture

  • Awoism is the term coined for Obafemi Awolowo’s idea of progressive politics targeted at producing practical social progress. Awoism postulates that man is the sole dynamic in nature and that sound education is his birth right. The notion of innate racial intellectual superiority or natural advantage in mastery is rejected. According to Awolowo, “if you…

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  • Nazism was the German political system between 1933 and 1945 of extreme nationalism, propagated and supervised by totalitarian authority. In articulation of what would be Nazis tenet, Hitler had in his book, Mein Kampt, equated Africans with apes, effectively suggesting the possibility of their enslavement in the event of German victory in its aggression efforts…

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  • Nike Davies-Okundaye is a Nigerian artist, who from her first solo exhibition at the Goethe Institute, Lagos in 1968 grew to become one of the major imprints on the international art circuits. As a textile designer, Nike brought a vivid imagination as well as a wealth of history and tradition in regulating the production of…

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  • Nutrition, according to G.O. Obigbesan of the University of Ibadan, the supply and absorption of chemical compounds needed for growth and metabolism. It has been stated that the quality of nutrition dictate individual longevity. The protein-calorie malnutrition is the most important forms of malnutrition in Nigeria, which manifests clinically as nutritional marasmus and kwashiorkor. Marasmus…

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  • Oba Waja is a play by Duro Ladipo, based on an incident that unsettled the ancient city of Oyo in 1946, when a British civil servant prevented the sacrificial suicide of a town chief, Elesin, who was ritually prepared to obey custom and follow his late king to the grave. This third play by Ladipo,…

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  • Mythopraxis, which is the practice of myth, according to patterns residing in the collective consciousness of a group of people is an inherent tendency in human beings. This inclination has been identified in important first generation post-independence politicians of Western Nigeria. Awolowo, for example, was thoroughly delighted by the expressed belief that the statue of Oduduwa…

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  • Timothy Adeola Odutola was a politician and pre-independence member of the Nigerian aristocracy. Born in June 1902 to a Muslim father and a converted Christian mother. In his time Odutola was among the few kids whose parents embraced education on their behalf, and the young Odutola started with St. Saviour’s Primary School, then at Italupe.…

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  • Ogi is an endosperm extract of a fermented cereal. Ogi is made by softening the maize, sorghum, millet, or rice grain, by steeping it in water at about 300C for up to five days. While wet, it is milled and sieved to remove bran. The remnant is then sedimented and dewatered. Raw Ogi can be…

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  • Balogun Kuku was the De facto leader of Ijebu Muslims during the military subjugation of Ijebu by the British in the early 20th Century. His conversion to Islam in 1902 had been a major lost to Christian missionaries, so significant that the news was reported in a British mission magazine. Through his influence, the now…

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  • Ojude Oba is an annual celebration held on the third day of the Ed-El-Kabir festivity of Muslims in Ijebu Ode. It is one of the most popular events that take place in the life of the community, and it draws overwhelming crowds to Ijebu Ode. An account puts the origination of the festival in the…

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