Category: Culture

  • Deola Sagoe is the frontline Nigerian haute couture designer daughter to Michael Ade Ojo of Elizade Motors. Deola was educated at the University of Miami and University of Lagos with a Masters in Finance and Management before she discovered her passion. Adopting the trade name, O’dua Originals, she made her debut in 1998. Deola became…

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  • Garveyism was the Pan-African philosophy of the Jamaican political leader, Marcus Garvey, in the early 20th Century, aimed at precipitating a global movement of economic empowerment. Garvey preached the unity of all blacks, claiming that liberty would come about only through the return of all Afro-Americans to their ancestral home. Although the Universal Negro Improvement…

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  • Gerontocracy is a government consisting mostly of elders. This system was prevalent in antiquity, in the southwest of Nigeria, where much credence is paid to the belief that maturity and wisdom comes with age. Age was the first qualification which a prospective member of the town’s administrative conclave of ancient time, the Ogboni, must acquire.…

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  • Greater Cane Rat, Thryonomys swinderianus, also known as Grasscutter, is one of the two species of Cane Rat, a large rodent genus distinguished by its stocky body, and a large, blunt head. Because of its size, this animal, called Oya in Yoruba, is valued for food and has become popular meat in western Africa. The…

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  • Honey is the viscous liquid that is squeezed out of the honeycombs. To harvest the combs, the farmer scares the bees away by fuming the hives with a smoker. He then uses a knife to slice ripe combs (that is, combs that contain mature honey) away from the top bars; unripe combs are left in…

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  • THE NIGERIAN PROVINCIAL GUARDIAN Vol 2 No 3. Osogbo Saturday April 10, 1937 THE LITTLE I KNOW ABOUT BY DR. FAJEMIROKUN “Amid all the mysterious by which we are surrounded nothing is more certain than that we are ever in the presence of an infinite and eternal energy from which all things proceed,” said Daniel…

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  • Hypodermic Needle Theory postulates that the media have a direct, immediate and powerful effect on the audience members. In the study of the Ikeja bomb blast of January 27, 2002, majority were in possession of radio and television sets which they used regularly. The use of radio correlates positively and significantly with age and income,…

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  • Idejo chiefs are according to Lagos tradition, the original land owners of the island of Lagos, being descendants of Olofin who first colonized Iddo Island of Lagos. Some members of the Idejo aristocracy, the Elegushi for example, have had their status elevated to that of an Oba. The thirty-two children of Olofin (some of who…

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  • Iledi osugbo Abalaiye is a pre-colonial period pagan ritual site along Ajina Square in Ikorodu. It was built in 1810 by joint community effort. It is a traditional Yoruba compound in Ikorodu. The building is used for the traditional rights and installation ceremony of the Obas and Chiefs; it is also used as the residence…

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  • Illichs Philosophy is a moderate realism in the Thomistic tradition of radical humanism. Illichs criticized contemporary modern school system and advocate discontinuation of schools because of the ills he associated with contemporary school system as a global phenomenon. These ills, according to Ivan Illichs are that schools do not equalize education opportunity, but rather produce…

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