Category: Food

  • Ethanol; is an alcohol derived from grains like corn and tubers of cassava[i]. It is emerging as an important motor fuel in view of the Kyoto Protocol Agreement to which Nigeria is a signatory. Ethanol is easy to use in combustion engines, requiring none to minor modifications, it has a higher octane rating compared to…

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  • John Oamen Igene; Food scientist and trailblazer in the industrializing efforts of the Nigerian local meat product. Through his effort, kilishi became a meat product that can be manufactured in an industrial setting. Now with a shelf life of nine months and in stock in major supermarkets in Nigeria, making it an exportable meat product.…

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  • Yam is a tuberous root vegetable rich in carbohydrates. Though the edible underground grown tubers of this perennial vine crop is starchy, they contain dietary fiber which qualifies it as low glycemic index food. Nigeria is the world’s largest producer of yam, export accounting for over 70 percent of total world output. Unlike some of…

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  • Greater Cane Rat, Thryonomys swinderianus, also known as Grasscutter, is one of the two species of Cane Rat, a large rodent genus distinguished by its stocky body, and a large, blunt head. Because of its size, this animal, called Oya in Yoruba, is valued for food and has become popular meat in western Africa. The…

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  • Honey is the viscous liquid that is squeezed out of the honeycombs. To harvest the combs, the farmer scares the bees away by fuming the hives with a smoker. He then uses a knife to slice ripe combs (that is, combs that contain mature honey) away from the top bars; unripe combs are left in…

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  • Meat is the term used to describe any freshly dressed or treated tissues, mainly skeletal muscle from warm blooded animals suitable for use as food. This 1992 definition by Alonge, in a book, “Food Hygiene” excludes all other types of meat, which must now be qualified, e.g. snake meat, dog meat, or elephant meat. Edible…

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  • Nutrition, according to G.O. Obigbesan of the University of Ibadan, the supply and absorption of chemical compounds needed for growth and metabolism. It has been stated that the quality of nutrition dictate individual longevity. The protein-calorie malnutrition is the most important forms of malnutrition in Nigeria, which manifests clinically as nutritional marasmus and kwashiorkor. Marasmus…

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