Isele Mosque was built in 1911 by Bello Ariran and Hadam Kaliah and is now owned and maintained by the Isele Muslim Community. The mosque was built on the site where the Muslim religion was first preached in Ikorodu. The mosque has Islamic and Brazilian style influence. In 1962 Mr. Lasisi made an additional extension…
Jackal belongs to the Genus Canis, within which dogs and wolfs are classified. Called Akátá or Ajako in Yoruba language, but more correctly, Ofafa. it is a medium-sized carnivore with doglike features and a bushy tail, known for its cleverness, nocturnal habits, eerie howling and scavenging. The Golden Jackal Canis aureus, are the largest species…
Jacob Sogboyega Odulate, known as ‘The Blessed Jacob’, inventor and essayist, was born 1884 in Ikorodu. As a pharmacist of informal learning and a man of quick wit, Odulate soon achieved fame for the medicine, Alabukun, which he manufactured. As a fourteen year old, he had left his father’s polygamous house at Ikorodu for Abeokuta…
Folake Solanke is a lawyer and women activist, who in 1981 became the first female Senior Advocate of Nigeria. Folake was born in March 1932 in Abeokuta where she, among other intrigues, witnessed the unthinkable exile of the Alake to Oshogbo due to the activism of town women led by Funmi Ransome-Kuti. In 1945, Folake was…
Jaguna was an Egba military rank that existed prominently in the pre-1827 times. This was before the tribe fell under the influence of the Oyo/Ibadan army under the warlord, Maye who acted like the Field Marshal in the war against the tribe. The Jaguna title is virtually exclusive to the Egba, but it has lost…
Jameson’s Mamba, Dendroaspis jamesoni, is one of the four species of Mamba, a venomous African snake. It is swift, arboreal, and has a very slender scaled body that is about 1.5 to 2.2 m long. Each scale is a shade of blue-green or yellow with a black outline. It has the duller green and is…