D-Ivy is a private co-educational institution in Lagos founded in 1998 by Dr. (Mrs.) Oyinlola Ilo. D-Ivy College has operative accommodation, laboratory and library facilities. Academic achievement apparently enjoys the most attention and the school prides itself as delivering on that mission. The institution has annexes in Ota, Ogun state and Ikeja, Lagos. Many D-Ivy…
Dorcas Gazelle, Gazella dorcas, an antelope species, is the best equipped member of the genus Gazella to inhabit dry areas. When conditions are harsh, dorcas gazelles live in pairs, but when conditions are more favorable they occur in family herds with one adult male, several females and young. They may go their entire lives without…
Doregos Academy is a co-educational institution in Ipaja, Alimosho in Lagos. Doregos is a private school with well equipped science laboratories, learning resources center, ICT labs and classrooms. The school has recorded success in international Science and Technology competitions. It has also produced the youngest person in Africa to be a Microsoft Certified Professional. A group of…
Dowen College is a private secondary school located in the Lekki area of Lagos. The school is co-educational and boarding facilities are provided. Dowen consciously train pupils to further their education in overseas universities. About 2,000 titles are shelved in the internet-ready library of the school, and there is a French cultural section within. Dowen…
Dracaena fragrans is the multistemmed shrub used as sexual asthenia in southwest Nigeria, where it is called Pèrègún. Dracaena fragrans is found spread across the humid Guineo-congolese forest. In the United States and Europe it is grown in many homes and offices. In NASA clean air study, this easy-to-grow corn plant was found to remove toxins…
Military Oligarchy is a system in which political power rests with a few military officers. The military is a great and ancient profession, which requires appropriate demeanor and exemplary standard of conduct, encapsulated in the expression professionalism. Yet professionalism in the military, as was clear in various documented testimonies in the Oputa Panel report, even…
Dupe Abiola is a Nigerian-born British CEO of Intern Avenue, an online internship website for would-be interns who want placement and employers who need them. Dupe attracted investment for her innovative idea after successfully pitching at the tenth series of the BBC television show, Dragon’s Den. Dupe is daughter to MKO Abiola, business tycoon, philanthropist…
Dwarf Crocodile, Osteolaemus tetraspis, is a small species of crocodile with a short, broad snout and tough scales that cover their entire black body. They have a body length between 1.7 and 1.9 m and they weigh between 18 and 32 kg. Like all other members of its genus, this crocodilian species is an effective…
Dwarf Sperm Whale, Kogia sima, is one of the cetacean species occurring in Nigerian territorial waters, generally living over the continental shelf and slope off tropical and temperate coasts of all oceans. Whales are called Jaagbárùrù in Yoruba, both in reference to the size of this supposed fish. The Dwarf sperm whale are frequently seen…
Ajobo was a leading Ibadan warrior of the late 19th Century whose failure to exercise caution in the use of his powers led to the lost of it. As a youth, Ajobo migrated to Ibadan from Ikire in c.1839, like many young men from other Yoruba towns who were atracted by the oppourtunity provided by…