Victor Banjo, born in 1930, was a soldier who, caught in the middle of an ideological complexity during the Nigerian Civil War, was executed by separatist army in 1967. In 1953, Victor Banjo joined the Royal West African Frontier force, training in Teshi, Ghana, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, England, and then the Military College…
Clymene Dolphin, Stenella clymene , also known as short-snouted spinner dolphin, is endemic to the tropical and warm temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. They are about 1.8-2 m in length and weigh about 75-90 kg. Schools of this species, consisting of approximately 50 dolphins have also been seen…
Chimpazee, called Osa or Elegbede in Yoruba language is the closest animal relative of humans, sharing 98% of human genes. Chimpanzees are hefty, four limbed, long-armed and short-legged primate found predominantly in moist and dry forests, and forest galleries extending into savanna woodlands. Chimpanzees show learned behaviors, long memories and some extraordinary use of tools.…
Cervical Cancer is the second commonest cancer in Nigeria, after the breast cancer. Cervical cancer is sexually transmitted by the Human Papillous Virus (HPV). This turbulence in the human cervix is associated with risk factor such as smoking, and low diet in fruits and vegetable. The American Negro is reported to be twice at risk…
Comprehensive High School, Aiyetoro is a secondary school founded as a result of post-independence deliberations by the Federal Government of Nigeria on the need to increase the new country’s manpower. The school had kickstarted with technical assistance from the Harvard University USAID and the Ford Foundation. Technical subjects such as Basic Electronics and Applied Electricity…
Celestial Church of Christ is the most popular white garment-wearing church in Nigeria. Founded 1947 in Port-Novo, Dahomey (now Benin Republic) by Samuel Bilewu Oshoffa. The church was established in Nigeria through the activities of its early missionaries such as Mister Leyon, Most of the early missionaries in Nigeria were fishermen who had been attracting…
Common Duiker, Sylvicapra grimmia, also known as the bush duiker or grey duiker, is one of the most widely distributed antelopes on the African continent. It is a tiny, shy antelope with only the males having short horns. The name refers to a characteristic habit of taking off at high speed in a series of…
Common Gecko, Hemidactylus angulatus, is a species of one of the most diverse and widely distributed scaled reptile genera, a type of lizard in the family Gekkota, found in warm climates throughout the world. The Common Gecko is distributed across West Africa to Zanzibar. H. b. angulatus shows a repertoire of defensive behavior, including twisting…
Common Genets, Genetta genetta, are long, lean carnivores with pointed muzzle, a tapering tail usually at least as long as the body. The rather long and coarse pelage is soft with dense, woolly underfur. It is distinguished from the forest genet by the possession of smaller spots. Color ranges from light grey to brownish grey,…