Author: tope_litcaf

  • Onitsha History, as cleverly stated by author, Henderson, lacked an independent myth of primordial origins because in their cosmogony they simply relate themselves to the cultural focus of Nri where it is said the Onitsha dead go on their way to the underworld. Onitsha in one of its most plausible traditions, was founded when Chima…

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  • J.B. Wood was the 19th Century Anglican Missionary to Nigeria and author of works on Yoruba grammar and literature whose History of Lagos up to 1861 was the first roundly chronicled story of the Nigerian coastal state. J.B. Wood, born in Yorkshire was posted as a missionary of the Church Mission Society to Abeokuta in…

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  • Eyo Honesty II was the king of Creek Town, one of the Southern Nigerian towns of the Efik people who presently constitute the chief population of Calabar. Eyo is remembered in history for his modernizing effort, and for being an instrument by which British rule became enacted in the Niger Delta. His name, Honesty had…

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  • Stephen Oluwole Awokoya; Educationist, who as minister was responsible for launching the Awolowo administration’s Universal Primary Education in the West. Awokoya contributed in various ways to the development of the physical sciences. He was a member of the 1934-36 set at the Yaba Higher College where he received his education alongside future parliamentarian, Adelabu, and…

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  • Smith International Baptist Academy, Ogbomoso (SIBAO) is a secondary school, one of the several learning institutions located within the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso. It runs a coeducational programme and has boarding facilities for students who reside in the school. The present student population is a little over 900. The school colours are green and…

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  • Dadakuada music traditionally from Kwara State, Nigeria, include varieties like Waka, Alagbe, and Pamupamu. Dadakuada music emerged from different groups of minstrels in the early 18th Century who made songs derived from eulolgy, ijala (ballad), incantation, invocation, and folklore. The music is an admixture of all folkloric genres which serve as imperatives on which the…

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  • Urhobo is the majority tribe in Ughelli North of Delta state, Nigeria, occupying the southern part of the Benin lowland and the floodplains swamps of the petroleum-rich Niger Delta. With a population of over 3 million people, the Urhobo people are among the eight largest ethnic groups in Nigeria and constitute the largest single ethnic…

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  • Royal Niger Company was the entity which served essentially as precursor for the Nigerian state; the mercantile establishment which evolved from British trading firms granted royal charters in West Africa by Queen Elizabeth, whose activities, commencing in 1662 was under the name “Company of Royal Adventures.” In 1662, this name was changed to the “Royal…

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  • Research, according to Mathematics professor, L.O. Adetula in a 1993 journal on educology is a means of not only banishing thought but also turning opinion, conjectures, and experiences into knowledge. Conventional wisdom or opinion derived from insight, raw experience, and common sense, Adetula affirms, may not be properly viewed as knowledge. To draw conclusions, the…

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  • World War I was the worldwide conflict in which Nigeria’s colonial overlord, Britain, formed part of a triad that constituted the Allied powers in its military campaign against the Central powers headed by Germany. Over sixteen million people died in this war that was started over the Austria-Hungarian ultimatum to the kingdom of Serbia on the…

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