The Great Revival was the phenomenon in the early 20th Century Western Nigeria, of Pentecostal awakening that led to the creation of the Aladura arm of Christianity. Many scholars limit these events to the activities of Ayo Babalola in 1930, but more encompassing narrative have risen from works of persons such as Ogunrinade and Adewale…
By a Native of Aneho Eko Akete 22 February, 1924. Marcus Garvey stands out prominently as one of the greatest Africans of the age. The scriptures saith, a little child shall lead them. Garvey is comparatively a child, a youngman of thirty-four, aspiring to unite 400 million Africans and to found an African Empire. That…
Ijebu History, like those of many other preliterate Yoruba people, was not well documented, and different oral versions arose due to what one historian listed as political exigencies, conspiracy and the fear of domination. Of these versions, three are preponderant. A good number of Ijebu historical figures ascribe the origin of their kingdom to Ile-Ife, just…
Wall of Ijebu Ode is an enormous eighty-mile earthwork built around Ijebu Ode in ancient times with remains still surrounding the town. The construction of the Great Wall of Ijebu Ode is said to have been commissioned by Sungbo, a woman, who being rich and childless, decided to make for herself a monument. The wall…
Eleri-Onigbajo was the ancient Human right activist and warrior whose activities drew the curtain on the sixth Alafin’s reign. Also called the Gbonka, Eliri-Onigbajo had a reputation for rare bravery in opposing the King’s encroachment upon the liberties of the people. The Gbonka was nevertheless the best possible option to do the King’s bidding when…
Samuel Ajayi Crowther was a man from a simple West African village who as a lad, was rescued by the British Man-O-War to become in due course, the first African Bishop of modern times, and scholar, honoured by the Oxford University for his translation work. Ten times in seventy years he went to England. He…
Thomas Babington Macaulay was the founder and the first principal of CMS Grammar School, Lagos which is the oldest secondary school in Nigeria. He is also credited, alongside his father-in-law, Samuel Ajayi Crowther, and Thomas King, with translation of the Bible into the Yoruba language. Babinton was born 26 January 1826 to Yoruba Parents who…
Kori was a son of Aganju who was the Alafin after Ajaka, a great-grandson of Oduduwa. Kori became the Alafin as a young man. His mother, Iyanyu had ruled in his stead until he was of considerable age. It was during his reign that the legendary story of Timi the kinglet at Ede, occurred. Kori’s inaptitude…